Friday, July 29, 2011

Update on our fun

A day at the beach, lots of wind and a little rain but it wasn't going to stop us from having fun, the beach was all our, so the boys had a great time running everywhere without getting into trouble.

There is nothing like seaweed, unless your a girl, then there is everything wrong with it, don't bring it near mummy

The poor birds were the new target of Benjamin.

At the swimming pool, the boys are loving the water and have no fear, well Benjamin and Christopher are jumping in, going under then getting themselves back to the side to do it again. Rob and I couldn't believe our eyes when all of a sudden the pool was fun and not a stress anymore, we both kept smiling at one another because it felt like another hurdle had just been jumped over. We have been many times now as it is so much easier,  they are true water babies.

Christopher screams if you touch him, and he screams if he is  not touched, we think he just is screaming with excitement. He puts his head under and laughs.

Anderson takes a lot of encouragement and warming up but he soon gets  in.

Christopher after jumping in, Haley (Marcy's daughter) got the pictures with her underwater camera.

Christopher again jumping in

3 peas in a pod

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